After a successful first edition, the TwInSolar consortium is pleased to invite you to its second summer school in La Reunion on November 18-22nd 2024 !
Who is it for ? All researchers, including Postdoctoral researchers and PhD students
What’s in for you?
- Join us for high-level lectures on solar energy, by Fraunhofer ISE, DTU and University of La Reunion researchers on monitoring PV systems performance and solar forecasting,
- Benefit from site visits of hybrid power plants and remote PV systems,
- Take part in networking opportunities with experts from all over Europe !
- Universities from CPMR Islands Commission member regions can benefit from a grant, to support their travel costs (please see the Grant information below for the list of eligible regions).
Registration is open until September 20th. Please, keep in mind that places are limited.
Looking forward to a great week of scientific exchanges!
Please find all relevant information below, updated regularly.
- Draft agenda
Please note this is indicative and subject to changes. - Registration link
New! Travel tips and Practical information:
Grant Information for CPMR Islands Commission members:
- Download the information on financial support for CPMR Islands Commission members