
Logo TwinSolar / funded by European Union

On March 25th and April 1st, join us for a series of online workshops gathering Research & Innovation Policy makers from EU Islands and Outermost Regions !

Organised by the CPMR Islands Commission in the framework of the TwInSolar project, and building on a series of seminars organized in La Reunion gathering R&I stakeholders, these online workshops aim to discuss best practices and opportunities in the field of renewable energy, and in particular solar energy, in insular territories.

March 25th: Fostering a virtuous Research & Innovation dynamic through the energy transition in islands and Outermost regions

April 1st: The clean energy transition: a driver for growth and a sustainable territorial development for islands and Outermost regions

Each workshop will be conducted in English, with translation into French, for a duration of 1h30.

Have a look at the agenda and make sure to register!