In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, this site is the property of the University of La Reunion Island, a public scientific, cultural and professional institution.
University of La Reunion
15 avenue René Cassin CS 9200397744 Saint Denis Cedex 9
Director of publication
Frédéric Miranville – President of the University of La Reunion
Editorial Manager
PIMENT Laboratory – University of La Reunion
Design and implementation
University of La Reunion
- PIMENT Laboratory
- Kreol Cloud
Information Systems Department (ISD) of the University of La Reunion
WordPress Content Management System
Rules of use
The information presented on this site as well as the links to other sites are given for information only. With the exception of iconography, the reproduction (non-profit) of the pages of this site is authorized provided that the source is acknowledged. However, the content of this site may not be reproduced or used for commercial or advertising purposes.
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In accordance with French law (article 27 of law no. 78.17 of 06.01.78 relating to data processing, files and freedoms) a right of access and rectification of stored data is open at the University of La Reunion (publisher address)
Photographs and illustrations
- University of La Reunion
The copyrights are displayed on each image.
Co-funders of network connectivity

The provision of network connectivity is co-financed by the European Union. Europe commits to La Reunion with the FEDER (European Regional Development Fund)