Online workshops
On this page, you will find all materials used during TwInSolar's online workshops. To access workshop videos and pedagogic material, click on it!
About the workshop
In this workshop DTU experts will give an overview of existing technologies suitable for integrating PV in the building environment. The DTU team will focus on challenges in predicting BIPV performance and appearance in conjunction with colouring materials as well as more general design and technical-economic considerations for sizing of BIPV systems.
Project Manager, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering Photovoltaic Materials and Systems, DTU
Sune Thorsteinsson obtained his Master of Science from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2006, within applied physics. After working 2 years in the semiconductor metrology industry, Sune started in 2009 as development engineer in a solar startup, which was developing advanced PV modules with laminate integrated electronics. Within this job Sune acquired deep knowledge within module design, module encapsulation materials as well as fabrication of especially back contact module. From 2012 Sune has been employed at Department of Photonics engineering at the Technical University of Denmark, where he have conducted research in different aspect of applied photovoltaics, within stand-alone systems, characterization of PV and development and characterization of BIPV systems, and have contributed to build the applied PV group at DTU. Currently the research area in focus is BIPV systems. In 2018 Sune was the driving force in launching a specialization in Solar Energy at DTU, and have developed and co-developed 4 on campus courses within PV, and been heavily involved in developing one MOOC; “Photovoltaic Systems” which is running on Coursera. In 2021 Sune was awarded his PhD degree based on research within applied PV, and Sune is currently teaching in PV energy engineering courses as well as supervising and PhD students.
PhD student, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering Photovoltaic Materials and Systems, DTU
Markus Babin was born in Austria, where he also started his scientific career with a BSc in Environmental Systems Sciences at TU Graz in 2017. He then went on to study Sustainable Energy / Solar Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), which he graduated in 2020. Currently he is working on his PhD at the Photovoltaic Materials and Systems group at the DTU Department of Photonics Engineering. His current research efforts focus around building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) with all its connected topics, including PV colouring technologies, optical characterization, modelling and simulation. His recent and current research topics include goniometric reflectance (BRDF) measurements and modelling of different glass surfaces for glare characterization, optical modelling of coloured interlayers to assess impacts on both performance and appearance, and reliability assessments of different BIPV products. In addition to his research, Markus Babin is also a participant in IEA PVPS Task 15 on BIPV and member of CIE TC 2-85 on BRDF measurements. He is also involved in teaching activities within the Solar Energy study line at DTU.
Introduction of the workshop
Part 1: BIPV products and performance
Part 2: Appearance and glare
About the workshop
To achieve the massive integration of solar renewables into energy networks, one of the main challenges is the knowledge of their future power generation for the next minutes, hours and days. This workshop will give an overview of the available methods used to generate solar forecasts and to integrate them in the management of energy systems.
Elke Lorenz
Head of Energy Meteorology group, Fraunhofer ISE
Dr. Elke Lorenz is a physicist and heads the Energy Meteorology group at Fraunhofer ISE since 2016. Before she worked in the solar energy meteorology group of the University of Oldenburg for more than fifteen years, starting with her PhD on satellite based solar irradiance forecasting and heading the group from 2011-2016.
In 2019 she completed her habilitation in applied physics at the University of Oldenburg. Her research focus is on PV power forecasting and solar irradiance modelling. She has managed many national and international research projects and has been leading the subtasks on ‘Solar Irradiance Forecasting” in the IEA Tasks on solar resource assessment (IEA SHC Tasks 36 and 46, IEA PVPS Task 16) since more than fifteen years
Nils Straub
Researcher, Fraunhofer ISE
Nils Straub joined the Fraunhofer ISE in 2020 for his master thesis in the field of all sky imager irradiance forecasting. After completing and a subsequent researcher position he started a PhD thesis in 2021 for which he received a renowned DBU scholarship in 2022.
His research focusses on the development of novel high-resolution irradiance forecasting approaches using computer vision and machine learning methods.
Josselin Le Gal La Salle
Postdoc, laboratory PIMENT, University of La Reunion
Arne Gross
PhD, Smart Grid ICT, Dpt. Intersectoral Energy Systems and Grid Integration, Fraunhofer ISE
Arne Groß received his master’s degree in physics from University of Freiburg 2014. Since 2016, he is pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Moritz Diehl and Prof. Christof Wittwer. His research interests include the development of intelligent control strategies for energy systems in the smart grid considering uncertainties in forecasts for renewable energy generation. He focuses on implementation of efficient optimization algorithms for stochastic systems and applications to real life use cases arising due to the transformation of the energy system to renewable energy sources.
Workshop date: August 21st 2023
Introduction Satellite and NWP All skY imagers PV power forecasting
About the workshop
In this first part of the workshop DTU experts will give complete course on PV system modelling with lectures and exercises. Trainees will learn how to assess the solar irradiance received on the plan of the PV modules. Then they will model and evaluate the performance of the different components of a PV system: the modules and the inverters. The exercises will be done online with collaborative Jupyter Notebooks and the library pvlib, which requires basic knowledge on programming with Python and are accessible to beginners.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, Photovoltaic Materials and Systems, DTU
Pedagogic material
This workshop is entirely based on collaborative Jupyter Notebooks hosted in Google Colaboratory files.
About the workshop
Focused on the massive integration of variable renewable energies, such as solar and wind, in electricity grids, the second part of the workshop is also based on lectures and exercises. Trainees will learn how to design and model Hybrid Power Plants (HPPs), which mix multiple technologies like wind, solar and energy storages. Applications of massive penetration of variable renewables energies on electricity grids will be tested with HyDesign, an online tool for design and control of utility scale wind-solar-storage based hybrid power plant (HPP) developed by DTU researchers. The exercises will be done online with collaborative Jupyter Notebooks, which requires basic knowledge on programming with Python and are accessible to beginners.
Associate Professor with the Department of Wind and Energy Systems, DTU
Kaushik received a PhD degree from DTU in 2016. His research interests include hybrid power and energy plants, power system balancing, and grid integration of renewables in power systems. He is a Member of IEA Wind, CIGRE, IEEE, and other professional bodies. He is also an operating agent for IEA Wind Task 50 on Hybrid Power Plants. He was the recipient of the prestigious AEG Elektronfonden’s Elektron Award in 2022.
Postdoc, Department of Wind and Energy Systems, DTU
Megha received a PhD degree in “Coordinated operation of TSO and DSO for efficient grid management” from Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, India in 2022. Her research interests include hybrid power plant sizing and operations with Power-to-X; power system steady state analysis, optimization and energy markets. She is currently working on the research and development of an open-access tool ‘HyDesign‘ at DTU Wind for the design and operation of utility-scale hybrid plants with P2X.
Pedagogic material
Slideshow: Lecture slideshow: EXERCICES
Organised by the CPMR Islands Commission as part of TwInSolar, and building on a series of seminars organized in La Reunion gathering R&I stakeholders, two online workshops gathered research & innovation policy makers from Outermost Regions and other islands and remote regions to discuss best practices and opportunities in the field of renewable energy, and in particular solar energy, in insular territories.
Please find below the presentations shown during the workshop:
- Jean-Pierre Chabriat, Regional Councilor in charge of Research and Energy
Transition, Réunion Region: Presentation on La Reunion - Mathieu David, TwInSolar coordinator, Head of Laboratory PIMENT,
University of La Reunion: Introduction on TwInSolar - Daniel Henríquez, Head of Unit Renewable Energy, Instituto Tecnológico de
Canarias (ITC) : Presentation on Canary Islands - Patrick Dahl, Head of Operations, Energicentrum Gotland: Presentation on Gotland
- Marcel-Tobias Schreiber, Policy Officer for Cohesion, CPMR :
Presentation on the Competitiveness compass & Cohesion Policy - Bertrand Noharet, NCP Horizon Europe, Widening Participation and ERA,
French Ministry of Higher Education and Research: Presentation on cooperation opportunities